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Story of three autumn days

'autumn' is told by Takiguchi, a young, seventeen years old boy who has just moved to a small town with his parents. He goes to the autumn nature to find some water, mushrooms, self-realisation, three lovely girls and another pointless things.

Game 'autumn' has been made for the competition for the best Czech created Ren'Ai, for Czech AnimeFest 2009. This competition was then won by 'autumn' as said by judges, and by players it narrowly took the second place, which I take as a great success. On another place of this site you can read about other problems in making of 'autumn'.

Getting and instalation
You can get 'autumn' in current version (1.02) by two means. Either you can download it from the title screen or you can purchase it for useless 50Kè (about 2€, or 2,50$, but I never refuse more!) at some Czech con where I will be as well (Advík, AkiCon, YukiFest, AnimeFest) in very nice package (dual-sided cover, printed CD, etc - thanks go to DanQ).
For installing you can just unpack the appropriate file (depends on OS) to some place (can be desktop, doesn't matter) and launch the exe file in the unpacked folder.

Known problems
The intro video sometimes stops, especially when you click the mouse while it's playing. If this happens, just close the game and relaunch, it must go through, eventually. This is inner engine problem, which can't be solved at the moment.

The game itself can be played using either mouse or keyboard only. The Main menu is self-explanatory, Settings as well (at least I hope it's so). In the Galery you can find pictures and some info about the girls, but only after you meet them, or complete their routes. The more you finish, the more you get here :>
In the game you can move by clicking the mouse, pressing Enter or Space. By pressing Ctrl you start skipping (whether it will or won't skip unread text depends on used settings). By rolling the mouse wheel you can read the history and by clicking it you hide the dialogue window (if you want to see one of the girls in full beauty). By clicking the right mouse button you enter the saving dialogue.

If you started to like 'autumn' or some of the girls so much that you can't live without them, I have good news. If you contact me before some con, I can get you, for the usual price (25Kè/1€/1.25$, plus possible shipping) one of the badges. If you want some other things, you have to talk to me about how to make it (and if it's even possible, we don't print bags... yet).

If you want to ask me something about 'autumn' (or talk about merchansdising, or just simply chit-chat), you can contact me on e-mail lrajecky at centrum dot cz, or I have time to time some IMs on, like ICQ (270-887-168), jabber (Wolfii at jabbim dot cz) or MSN (see the centrum mail above).

In the end
The development of 'autumn' still isn't finished, we plan slightly improved version (and translation to english), even though we don't know how long this will take, since we work on another game at the same time. I still hope that you'll keep loyalty to 'autumn' and our whole group and that we will meet at our next versions and games!


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